Monday 22 June 2015

Giving up the black stuff update!

Giving up the fizzies update!

If your new here, or don't know about my little journey to quite fizzy drinks, especially Diet Coke and Pepsi, click here for the first post! 

So it has been two weeks (June 9th) since I gave up all fizzy drinks, but with specific emphasis on Coke and Pepsi as they are…were all I drank.

So to recap, I was drinking at least a litre of Diet Coke or Pepsi a day, besides the obvious issues with drinking fizzy drinks-teeth damage and all the chemicals, I was getting heart burn on top of that, and so I knew than I had to stop… cold turkey! 
My aim is a month then continue on from there.

So I’m two weeks in and doing well, they first few days were difficult, I had some headaches and there was a can of diet coke in the fridge screaming to me, so I made my brother down it so it was gone!

It can be difficult for me to stop all the time because I don’t drink alcohol, and so sometimes water just doesn’t cut it, so I had one can of 7up at a restaurant and yesterday I had two glasses of 7up in my grannies.

Otherwise I’m finding it easy to stay away from the black stuff in shops, I buy 0% sugar free apple and pear dilute and keep it in the fridge with a jug of water and just have that instead! I find it in Tesco and it's been on offer for a awhile now! Highly recommend it! 

This is the range of 0% sugar!

I also tried to make iced tea from a Pinterest post I found, but it was unsweetened and unfortunately it just tasted like cold tea and not like the store bought bottles! I am going to try it again with lemons and if that works out I'll write a post about it! You can follow me on PINTEREST if you want :) 

i used Lipton tea and cinnamon teabags!

I'll do another update at thirty days!

Thanks for reading!

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